O'Day Skipper Pass


O'Day Skipper Pass


The O’Day Skipper Pass is available only to qualified skippers who have demonstrated their skills and have the approval of the O’Day Committee Chair. The pass entitles the member to access to the reservation calendar, and may reserve the boat according to the committee rules. The Skipper may reserve the boat for private or open sails, and is encouraged to give priority to paying Crew Pass members.

The O’Day 19 berthed Sportmans Marina in scenic Greenwood Lake. By joining as a skipper, you can participate in the O’Day committee, and have a say in how the boat is managed. All are invited to help with maintenance and plan events around the boat. Getting experience as a skipper on the O’Day is a great way to progress to bigger boats.

The Skipper Pass is open to active members of any SEAS chapter who have the approval of the Committee Chair.

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